Ferdinand Bardamu, the famous populist-controversialist blogger posted up this scathing rebuke on a Jezebel Yenta, pissing into her own eyes whilst trying to piss on the socially deemed target of men, in the usual process of trying to guilt them into "Manning up", a subsect of the popular tactic for cougar days dating guru, also known as Feminist Shaming Language. One thing feminists fail to recognise is that White Men are so used to and resentfully tuned into this strategy, especially on the web, that they will take any excuse to lay into a bitch. The mind has been desensitised to the tactic, and replaced by a barely dormant hostility.
But indeed, this tactic is not limited to feminists alone. I agree with Ferd on this, the tendencies of traditionalists and conservatives towards becoming like craven sycophants towards jumping on the man-blamin' bandwagon on societal ills. While I haven't exactly touched on this issue as much as I would have liked, it is one I feel strongly about. While it is very true that these groups and pseudo-ideologies have started to degrade some of these conservative/Christian/traditionalist/WN communities, it is not true that the majority of conservative thought has been penetrated by the spiked strap-on called feminism, but the face, the presentable image in the Media, has been wholly subverted by cultural Marxism.
Like most ideologies, it seems like the majority of mainstream (read, politically correct) conservative or traditionalist movements harbor the kind of mangina-esque qualities that Ferd alludes to in his article, but just like our portion of the blogosphere (in comparison to the mainstream media) , the presented image of various movements in the public forum is in its diluted, multiculti PC-approved format, not in its true-to-life form. And with everything, you of course have a lot of hanger on groups who acquiesce to mainstream standards of self-censorship, and follow that model gratuitously. And then there's straight up subversion.
Whether men should have an implicit responsibility to society as a whole is somewhat debatable, but men do not have a responsibility to a system which seeks his marginalisation at every turn.
The conclusion posited here by Dennis Mangan is spot on, men have no incentive to be productive in this society and "man up", adhering to the traditional role. White men, that is. But if we go the Roissy route, our dark-skinned amigos, slowly growing in numbers, will play the feminists lapdogs for a while and then rip a new anus on society when they number high enough- and while we- the enlightened few, the happy few, withdrawn into our sluts, our jacuzzis, our sexbots and VR video games, representatively absent, will get a rude awakening in times to come.
But one thing I have noticed in young Gen Y intellectuals is that not uncommonly, the libertarianism that so many hold dear these days commonly crosses over to some form of conservatism, that also carries strong anti-feminist traditions, embedded as a meme. This reactionary stance to the highly individualised, egalitarian, solipsistic cultural viewpoint will, in this blogger's view, coagulate in a relative cultural regression, a reversion back to the norms of old West. In times of struggle, people resurrect and withdraw to means and modes that work, and why should our future be any deviation to that?
The real bargain in a traditionally structured culture in a society is that of social stability, common respect for each genders role, gender interdependence opposed to dissociation and conflict, and a sense of reliability within the community. Contrasted with what we have now, which is massive instability, self-absorption, gender competition and hostility, and a vapidly isolated, neglected community culture. Ultimately, individual preference matters for nil, as it cannot make a society function correctly.
Donald Trump Speaks At CPAC
2 hours ago
I think you're spot on that our civilisation will go through a "cultural regression," but I'm not sure if it will be a "reversion back to the norms of old West." It will be more like Mad Max wasteland where there will be absolute barbarism all around with isolated pockets of traditional Western/Christian societies.
One point on using "gender" to denote sex. This is something that annoys me in that left/liberal modes of neutralising our language have been successful. We have a sex not a gender. Gender is a literary term denoting the "voice" of the narrator. Leftists/liberals use gender instead of the scientific term sex in order to deconstruct the fixed notion of sex and its biological imperatives. Gender is malleable, sex is not.
I always prefer to use "sex" when speaking of our nature rather than the sociopolitical term "gender".
The Mad Max disaster zone will definitely come, but as a result, we will cling to some tribalist/Wild West morality in most areas. Then eventually when we rebuild our shattered civilization, we will undeniably go towards the type of traditionalist society you mention. And also considering that these are the sort of Whites who tend to reproduce the most, the future will increasingly look that way for us.
You're right on the gender/sex issue, I do realise the difference, but got a little sloppy in definitions and used it interchangeably. Thanks for pointing that out.
Whether men should have an implicit responsibility to society as a whole is somewhat debatable, but men do not have a responsibility to a system which seeks his marginalisation at every turn.
Men and women have an implicit responsibility and an explicit responsibility to any nation. It would only be somewhat debatable given a state where sex is interchangeable with gender as an example.
What is debatable is what type of responsibility each sex has towards their nation.
Thanks for pointing that out.
No worries. It's always a pleasure finding fault in others.
Men and women have an implicit responsibility and an explicit responsibility to any nation. It would only be somewhat debatable given a state where sex is interchangeable with gender as an example.
I included the somewhat because it is a view I can slightly sympathise with whether men alone should have a blind, implicit responsibility and devotion to their nation, but I agree with you otherwise.
You need to listen to Pat Johnny. You have much to learn. This is what I call a target-rich environment.
Elaborating on what I mean, the responsibility between man and nation are two way, it is not a one way transmission.
No. No, Mav, this is not a good idea.
Elaborating on what I mean, the responsibility between man and nation are two way, it is not a one way transmission.
Yep, agreed.
Thanks for the support Mav. Johnny's good but mate.
No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
Whoops, sorry. Wrong thread.
Whatver is coming I get the feeling it's gonna be the ultimate showdown.
Of ulimate destiny!
There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
[Soldiers start up their vehicles]
I await your answer. You have a full day to decide.
1 full day
NOOOOOOOOOOO! WE GO IIIIN! WE KIIIIL! ERRRRR! ERRRR WE KILL THEM! WE KILL THEM! WE KIIIIIIIIILL THEEEM! ARRRRH ..Kiiiilll.. Huaaaaah.... Aaaah. *Chokes* ...Humungus... Humungus wait.... aaah.
Only 2 hours 12 minutes left.
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